Never waste a crisis! A commonly repeated phrase throughout this year and one which applies to us like never before! We are living through a once in a generation crisis (or so we hope)! And yet, history shows us that times of crisis often also result in increased change and innovation for good!
This first ARMS virtual conference picks up this theme to focus not so much on the difficulties of 2020, but on the lessons we have learned, the things we have changed and the emergence of "a new normal." What will we retain from the past in this new normal, what will we discard? As the world around us rapidly changes, research management has also been required to change - to be more agile, responsive and connected. How are individuals and the sector responding to challenges the pandemic has created? From crisis management to opportunities for innovation.
Scheduled across 3 days Thursday 26 - Monday 30 November, this ARMS online event will provide the chance to hear from key funding agencies, be inspired by panel sessions addressing current issues and participate in interactive virtual networking.
This first ARMS virtual conference picks up this theme to focus not so much on the difficulties of 2020, but on the lessons we have learned, the things we have changed and the emergence of "a new normal." What will we retain from the past in this new normal, what will we discard?
The ARMS Program Committee have compiled a program filled with, panel suggestions, keynote presentations and abstract presentations that address this theme of lessons learned in our research management operations under two broad themes as outlined below:
Theme 1: Supporting Research and Researchers Through Times of Crisis
This theme includes:
Theme 2: Maintaining Strong Partnerships Through Times of Crisis
This theme includes:
Associate Professor Inger Mewburn (better known as @thesiswhisperer) was born on Nuenonne country, which is now known as Tasmania, Australia (always was, always will be, Aboriginal land). She has a background as a designer and a researcher, which was nurtured at the University of Melbourne and RMIT University.
Since 2006, she has worked exclusively with PhD students and early career academics, helping them finish complex research projects with (sometimes very) demanding stakeholders. She’s passionate about helping people reach their potential as researchers and helping to create a kinder, more inclusive academy.
Inger is currently the Director of Researcher Development at The Australian National University where she oversees professional development workshops and programs for all ANU researchers. Aside from creating new posts on the Thesis Whisperer blog, she writes scholarly papers, books and book chapters about research education, with a special interest in post PhD employability.
You find out more on her Wikipedia entry, Linkedin profile, Amazon author page, or view a selection of her on the Thesis Whisperer About page. A full list of her scholarly work is available via her Google Scholar page or OrcidID.
Professor Andy Hor is the Deputy Chief Executive (Research) of the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR) in Singapore.
He oversees the scientific vision and strategy of A*STAR, and develops a framework to ensure quality, excellence and impact, as well as review policy and measures to safeguard research ethics, integrity, compliance and responsible conduct. He manages strategic research initiatives, outputs, outcomes and research data, as well as local and international research partnership.
He was the Vice President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Chair Professor of Metallic Chemistry & Materials in the University of Hong Kong (HKU) from 2015 to early 2020, and Professor of Chemistry at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the period 1984 to 2015. He is Adjunct Professor of NUS and Concurrent Professor of Fudan University (Shanghai, China). In research, he specializes in organometallic materials and heterometallic catalysis and has published over 430 international papers with more than 1,000 annual citations in recent years and filed patents in areas like nanostructures and battery materials.
Professor Damian Purcell is Professor of Virology at the University of Melbourne and theme leader for viral infectious diseases at the Peter Doherty Institute. His research over 30 years focused on molecular virology of human retroviruses HIV, HTLV-1 but this year he has led research swung onto COVID-19 and the virology of SARS-CoV-2.
His years of research on the intrinsic, innate and adaptive immune
responses to viral infection and molecular events in the interplay between the
host and persistent HIV and HTLV viruses have provided strategies for new
vaccine candidates and therapeutic approaches for COVID-19
He has developed and patented several vaccine and immunotherapeutic candidates and led pre-clinical studies for human trials. He was President of the Australasian Virology Society from 2011 – 2015, Executive Committee Member of the Australian Centres for HIV and Hepatitis Virology since 2000, and Governing Councillor of the International Retrovirology Association since 2017.
As Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Professor Moran is responsible for the development and implementation of strategies, frameworks and activities to achieve the University's strategic goals in research and IP commercialisation.
Prior to joining Curtin, Professor Moran was Director of the Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI), at The University of Queensland (UQ), from 2007-2016. He was Founding Director, Centre for Coal Seam Gas (UQ) and Founding Director, Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry (UQ). Across a 16-year career with CSIRO, he held a range of leadership roles, including heading the team that developed the Water for a Healthy Country Flagship Program.
Professor Moran is the current Chair of the Universities Australia Committee of Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Research. Professor Moran has been a Board Member of five Cooperative Research Centres.
He is a member of numerous advisory boards including the International Centre for Radio Astronomy (ICRAR), Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, Centre for Crop Disease Management (CCDM), Australian Remote Operations for Space and Earth (AROSE), Defence Science Centre and Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI).
In the International domain, Professor Moran was a Director of the AusAID-funded International Mining for Development Centre and established an International Centre of Excellence for the mining industry in Chile.
He holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences (with Honours) and a PhD from the University of Sydney and has a strong international and national reputation for his research and expertise in soil science (digital image processing), natural resources (spatial modelling and statistics) and water management. Professor Moran has published widely in scientific literature and the broader media.
Suthagar Seevaratnam is the inaugural Chief Information Security Officer for the Australian National University. He was appointed to this role, upon the recommendation of the Australian Cybersecurity Centre, in October 2018 following the first breach of the University’s network. He is been accountable for developing the ANU’s information security strategy and implementing the University's strategic information security roadmap. Suthagar and led the team which detected and disclosed the second breach reported in June 2019. In late 2019 Suthagar was appointed by the sector to be the first co-chair of the University Foreign Interference Taskforce -or UFIT - cyber working group. In this capacity he helped draft the UFIT guidelines to help counter foreign interference in the sector.
Prior to joining ANU, Suthagar was the General Manager of IT Operations and Chief Information Security Officer for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. His appointment to the Bureau came at a time of extensive cybersecurity uplift in the wake of the organisation’s breach in 2016. In this role he was responsible for the development and guidance of the Bureau’s strategic cybersecurity direction. Suthagar was also the Head of Cryptology for the Australian Signals Directorate where he was responsible for Australia’s intelligence and cybersecurity cryptologic mission. During this time he initiated the ASD joint co-lab facility on ANU’s campus – the first such open academic facility in ASD and ANU's history of the ASD and is a key investment in
helping to greater Australian STEM capability. Suthagar holds a Bachelor of Economics and Master of Commerce both from the University of Sydney. He is married with one child.
Max Kennedy, Ph.D. FIChemE, FENZ, FNZIC, is the Manager Contestable Investments, at the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) which invests the majority of the NZ Government’s Research funds. Max is responsible for R&D with impacts in economic, environment and societal area across several funds including the Endeavour Fund, New Zealand’s largest contestable research fund.
Most recently Max has lead the COVID Innovation Acceleration Fund which assisted with New Zealand’s response to COVID-19. Prior to this Max was Research and Development Strategy Manager at Meat and Wool NZ Ltd (MWNZ). Formerly Max was the Chief Scientific Officer of IRL-BioPharm Ltd, a New Zealand-based fermentation contract manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients for human clinical trials under cGMP conditions. Max received his doctorate in Biochemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Max was awarded the Supreme Technical Award in Chemical BioProcess and Food Category by Engineering New Zealand of which he is a Fellow, the New Zealand Science and Technology Medal by the New Zealand Governor General and is a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) & the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry (NZIC).
Max has served as Director on the Boards 6 technology companies and was on the Fermentation Advisory Board of the anti-malaria project of OneWorld Health (a not for profit pharmaceutical company based in San Francisco, USA).
Max is involved in the engineering profession and was Chair of SCENZ – IChemE in New Zealand and Chair of The Australian and New Zealand Federation of Chemical Engineers (ANZFChE), in 2010-2011. He served on the Board of IChemE the international professional body for chemical engineering based in the UK from 2013-2015.
Ms Kathie Dent commenced her role as as Chief Program Officer in October 2018. Ms Kathie Dent is responsible for the administration of the National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP) for the ARC. Through her role as Chief Program Officer, Ms Dent works closely with the ARC’s Executive Directors, to oversee the operations of both the Linkage and Discovery Programs of the NCGP. The ARC's Linkage funding schemes aim to encourage and extend cooperative approaches to research and improve the use of research outcomes by promoting national and international research partnerships between researchers and business, industry, community organisations and other publicly funded research agencies.
The ARC’s Discovery funding schemes recognise the importance of fundamental research to the national innovation system. A strong capability in fundamental research results in the development of new ideas, the creation of jobs, economic growth and an enhanced quality of life in Australia. Ms Dent brings to the role an extensive understanding of the Australian research sector and public service experience, including grant program administration, policy development, corporate governance and communication and stakeholder engagement. Joining the ARC in 2004, Ms Dent has previously fulfilled leadership roles across the Programs, Policy and Strategy, and Corporate Services branches of the ARC.
Dr Amohia Boulton (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngai te Rangi, Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāti Mutunga and Te Āti Awa ki te Waka a Māui), is the Director of Whakauae Research Services, an Iwi-owned and mandated health research centre in Whanganui, New Zealand. She also holds the position of Adjunct Professor at the Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, and in the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences at Auckland University of Technology (AUT).
A former public servant, Amohia worked in the Ministry of Education and Māori Development) as a data analyst, policy analyst, and finally Private Secretary (Māori Affairs) before leaving to pursue doctoral studies at Te Pūmanawa Hauora, the Research Centre for Māori Health and Development, Massey University, Palmerston North as one of the last Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC) Training Fellows. On completion of her PhD, she was awarded an HRC Erihapeti Rehu Murchie Postdoctoral Fellowship.
This Fellowship, in conjunction with an Aboriginal Capacity and Development Research Environment (ACADRE) International Scholar in Indigenous Health Award, allowed her to travel to Canada to work with colleagues at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), Prince George and establish her career as a Māori health researcher. Shortly after completing her post-doctoral study she joined Whakauae Research Services Ltd and was appointed Director in 2016.
Amohia was a former member of the HRC’s Māori Health Committee; the International Collaboration for Indigenous Health Research Partnership (ICIHRP) Joint Working Group; the Data Ethics Advisory Group; and she was a Board member of the Australasian Evaluation Society from 2013-2017. Currently she holds a number of Editorial Board positions and is a member of the Healthier Lives, He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge Governance Group Kahui Māori. She is also the Lead Whānau Ora Technical Advisor to the National Iwi Chairs Forum.
As a health services researcher, Amohia’s research interests focus primarily on the relationship between, and contribution of, government policy, contracting mechanisms, and accountability frameworks to improving health outcomes for Māori. Her most recent publications have explored issues as diverse as research ethics, Māori approaches to wellbeing (whānau ora), Rongoā Māori, and colonisation, care, and justice.
Professor Cheryl Kickett-Tucker is a highly respected Traditional Owner, research academic, community development practitioner, children’s fiction author and youth basketball coach. She is a proud Wadjuk Noongar Aboriginal from Western Australia with traditional ties to Ballardong and Yued peoples. Cheryl has worked with Australian Aboriginal people all her life in the fields of education, sport and health and is very passionate about using her research to make a real difference to the lives of Aboriginal children and their families.
As well as completing her PhD (Edith Cowan University, Perth), Cheryl also has a Master of Science (University of Oregon, USA), a Bachelor of Applied Science (Edith Cowan University, Perth) and an Associate Diploma of Applied Science (Edith Cowan University, Perth).
Cheryl is currently an ARC Research Fellow at Curtin University, the Founding Director of Pindi Pindi Pty Ltd- Centre for Research Excellence in Aboriginal Wellbeing and Director of Research and Community Development at Koya Aboriginal Corporation. Cheryl is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Medicine at Notre Dame University and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Human Development & Family Studies, Michigan State University (USA). Her research interests include sense of self, Aboriginal identity and self-esteem of Aboriginal children, including the development of a series of culturally appropriate instruments for racial identity and self-esteem across the lifespan. She is committed to ensuring that research is translated into real-life grass-roots resources and programs.
Prof Kickett-Tucker is the chief editor and co-author of award winning text book Mia Mia Aboriginal Community Development: Fostering Cultural Security published by Cambridge University Press. This year Professor Kickett-Tucker was recognised for her significant service to tertiary education and the Aboriginal community and was awarded the 2020 Queen’s Birthday Honours as a Member of the Order of Australia. Last year she was recognised in her community as the 2019 Australian of the Year WA Local Hero for her service to the community sports program Kaat Koort n Horizons for Aboriginal and vulnerable children and youth.
Cheryl has also competed in elite level sports as a member of the Australia National Women’s Basketball League and the Western Australian State Basketball League as a player and coach for 30 years and has been a Western Australian representative in the Australian National Junior Basketball Championships. She has been inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame at Governor Stirling Senior High School where she attended as a student.
Professor Anne Kelso is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), the Australian Government’s lead agency for the funding of health and medical research. Following her PhD at the University of Melbourne, Professor Kelso undertook research in immunology at the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research. From 2000 until 2006, she was also Director/CEO of the Cooperative Research Centre for Vaccine Technology. She then returned to Melbourne as Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza from 2007 until she took up her role with NHMRC in April 2015.
She was appointed Officer in the Order of Australia in June 2007 for service to science and elected to the fellowship of the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences in 2018. Professor Kelso is a member of several Government and international committees, including the Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (advising the Minister for Health on the strategy and priorities for the Medical Research Future Fund), the Board of Trustees of the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization and the Strategy Board of the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases, of which she is currently the chair.
We are offering various registration types for the 2020 Virtual Event. These categories include full member, non-member, day only, all keynote/panel sessions only, 1 keynote/panel session only and institutional rates.
To access the institutional rates, please email directly, this registration type is not available through the registration portal.
Member Rate
Institutional Rate
Institutional rates
are only made available to current financial Corporate and Small
Corporate Organisations. To be eligible, individual members must be
registered on the ARMS portal and be approved by the appropriate
Business/Corporate Lead.
Please note all prices are listed in AUD, and GST inclusive.
Registration Inclusions
All full registrations include access to all virtual sessions, virtual networking function and virtual trivia sessions, meeting hub and all features of the ON AIR portal. All day only registrations, include access to all virtual sessions on the selected day. Should the selected day have a social function this will be included in the registration.
1 keynote/panel registration only, includes access to the selected keynote/panel presentation only.
All keynote/panel registrations only, includes access to the all keynote/panel presentations only.
Registration Terms and Conditions
Registration Payment
Your full payment must be received prior to the commencement of the Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) 2020 Virtual Event. Payment is due within 7 days of submitting your registration and can be made online via credit card, or an invoice may be requested.
A confirmation with a PDF Tax Invoice will be emailed when you submit your registration. If you pay by credit card a receipt will also be attached.
Cancellations & Refunds
You will be required to agree to Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) at point of registration, which indicates your acknowledgment that you will be liable for a cancellation fee if you are unable to attend. In the case of cancellations, please notify ARMS in writing via email or contact the ARMS Executive Office via (08) 8201 2911 or Alternatively, a substitute delegate may be nominated.
Cancellations made on or before Monday 26 October 2020 (30 days prior to the conference) will be subject to a full refund of the registration fee, less a cancellation fee of $50 AUD. Cancellations made after this date (less than 30 business days to the conference) will not be eligible for a refund. Delegates who are unable to attend the conference are welcome to nominate a substitute in their place. Please note that if you do not cancel and do not access the Virtual Event you are still responsible for payment. In no event shall ARMS be obligated to refund all or a portion of the registration fee for non-attendance by a registered delegate.
If the affected Virtual Event is terminated due to a Force Majeure occurrence before the first day of the Virtual Event, then ARMS will reschedule the affected Virtual Event and your registration fee will be applied to the rescheduled Virtual Event.
ARMS will not be liable for any interruptions, defects or shortages that may be caused throughout the event. This includes actions of suppliers, such as Events AIR Meeting Platform, Trivia Platform and Live Streaming platforms.
Participant Requirements
Your registration entitles you to access to the Virtual Event for which you have registered. Any and all other costs associated with your attendance shall be borne solely by you. ARMS shall have no liability for such costs.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have access to adequate internet connection and equipment to participate in the Virtual Event. If you are unable to connect to the Virtual Event as a result of not having adequate internet connection and/or equipment, ARMS (ARMS) will not be liable and no refund will be supplied.
By participating in the Virtual Event you also acknowledge and agree to permit ARMS the right to record, film, live stream, photograph, or capture your likeness in any media now available or hereafter developed and to distribute, broadcast, use, or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval from you or any payment to you.
ARMS also reserves the right to change any and all aspects of the Virtual Event, including but not limited to, the Virtual Event name, themes, content, program, speakers, performers, hosts, moderators and time. All sessions will be recorded and made available to registered participants only. By clicking “yes”, to the T&Cs, you agree to not share the data, any recordings and/or any collateral material with others who had not registered to attend the Virtual Event.
Prohibited Conduct
You are not permitted to sell any goods or promote your business throughout the duration of the event without the written authority of ARMS.
ARMS reserves the right to deny participation to anyone who engages in or is reputed to engage in unethical or non-compliant business practices. In addition to the requirement, ARMS may also exclude any prospective participant from registering for or participating in this Virtual Event.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you behave in an appropriate manner throughout the duration of the event. This includes but not limited to disruptive behavior to the speakers, other delegates, sponsors, and exhibitors either via the Q&A functionality during the Virtual Event or other social media platforms.
Data Protection
We are committed to protecting your privacy. At time of registration you will be provided with a detailed description of how your data will be used. If you have any concerns, please contact ARMS –
The Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) invites your organisation to partner with the ARMS 2020 Virtual Event. We are pleased to offer a range of branding opportunities throughout the event which includes: A Virtual Exhibition Booth, Meeting Hub Access, Logo Placement in Prime Locations etc. Please see the 2020 Virtual Event Prospectus here which summaries the range of opportunities at different price points.
If you would like to discuss partnership opportunities please contact the ARMS Executive Office: Sophie Zervas, ARMS Conference and Major Events Coordinator via +61 8 8201 2911 or email here.
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For the Virtual Event 'Never Waste a Crisis - Lessons Learned' ARMS will be utlising the Events Air ON AIR
The On AIR platform allows virtual attendees watch live, pre-recorded and on demand event content. On Air also allows attendees to connect with the other virtual attendees, exhibitors and speakers in a simple interactive way.
Please watch the following video that highlights all the features through the On AIR platform.
For further questions, please contact the ARMS Executive Office.
C/ Flinders University
Sturt Road, Bedford Park
SA, 5042
+61 8201 2911